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Weight Management in Cornwall and Devon with Trevor Wales Hypnotherapy Solutions



Weight management

Losing weight?

There's a thing! To lose weight implies something lost which needs to be found and maybe therein lays the problem. ~For some people losing weight is a thought process they understand and something they can successfully relate to but perhaps a better way to look at things is to think’ manage weight’ and draw up a game plan and stick to it.

There are a large range of diets and dietary supplements out in the market place to help us all shed those unwanted pounds.  I am a distributor for those products myself and they do really work.

Diets can work for a lot of people as can the supplements and it is a fact that some people may begin to re-frame their behaviours and thinking towards food and re-educate their brain to expect to take exercise regularly and eat less and avoid the wrongs foods.

For many people though it is a sad fact that whilst they may feel good for a while and she those pounds using this product or that diet, they put it all back on as they feel comfortable and take their eye off the ball and sink back into old habits with the end result that they end up feeling rather gloomy and lacking willpower or self control.

The fact is that if you want to shed pounds and keep to the weight that you want, you have to take massive action and be truthful to yourself and keep reminding yourself of what you want and keep working upon your commitment and determination, Determination and commitment come from a conscious level and this is really important for success for without it you are unlikely to succeed. It also helps to have an understanding that as our minds govern our body our minds dictate our emotional and physical responses and behaviour patterns. It all comes from a subconscious level. When you understand this, you can work with the subconscious mind to your advantage as the subconscious mind can be reprogrammed rather like a hard drive on a computer. On a conscious level using willpower alone we often get in our own way and some people will talk the talk and never walk the walk. I come into contact with people who say, yes, yes, I really want to lose weight  and still go on to binge eat biscuits crisps and all the wrong stuff. They live in a state of permanent denial. What we want is to get to a point where we can align our conscious and our unconscious minds to be in harmony with one another and this is where hypnotherapy and NLP can help

The following are, some typical things that can cause us to self sabotage at the subconscious level where all thinking and behaviour patterns are formed. These are our instinctive unconscious urges that drive us, sometimes to frustration and distraction. The good news is they can be changed.   

A lot of people’s problems lie with the fact that they may go jogging or go to boot camp or on this diet or try that weight loss supplement but they don’t change their comfort eating habits! They still keep on doing the same thing, believing that its O.K, I’m taking action and so a little bit of what I fancy won’t hurt. The trouble is it won’t help either and when you stand on those scales you will know that.

The cycle of frustration just goes round and around until you deal with that stuff!

it’s called the emotional response!

Being strict with your diet and exercise is very important and counting the calories is very important but of far greater importance is the understanding of your weaknesses and triggers and what you need to do to help you win that battle. 

Those eating patterns may be there for a variety of reasons, some people have just got into established learned behaviours, ie, eating to please  or maybe their parents were strict and did not allow any food to be left upon the plate! People from the wartime generation will understand this one!

Perhaps your parents were big eaters and also were inactive and never encouraged you to be active when you were young?  I had a stepmother, who never left a scrap of food and over fed everyone. As a child,she was a polish war refugee on the run all across Poland , Russia and France never knowing where and when her next meal was coming from. She had developed to her an important subconscious survival instinct and so, because the subconscious mind did not know if there would ever be a time of strife and famine, so this lady tended to be a big eater and made sure everyone else did too.  So you can see it is entirely possible to be conditioned into learned behaviour patterns without even realising it.


Perhaps you learned to comfort eat because you were bullied and it made you feel better and so carried that forward into adult life because deep down inside you may have self acceptance and self esteem issues?





Perhaps you learned to have a sweet tooth from a kindly grand parent who always gave you sweets. In my grandparent house (and my sister will remember this) my grand dad always had a large waste-paper container full of sweets under the TV and so TV & sweets seemed to always go together. When you went to Nan & grand dad’s house, TV & sweets were the treat. Association!  The two just went together.

Now looking at all the TV ads or Cinema ads how many times have you been bombarded with ads encouraging you to drink or eat nice comfort eating stuff?


It doesn't matter whether its fizzy drinks or popcorns or snacks like crisps and chocolate it’s there all the time.



Now this is what we mean by emotional eating and dealing with these things at the root cause where it all starts in the mind is a must for the mind controls our bodies and what we put into our mouths we become.     


Hypnotherapy can be very helpful in getting to the root causes of a problem with emotional eating and can help us overturn self destructive patterns and habits through changing our attitudes, our behaviour patterns and responses to food and exercise and motivation at a subconscious level and in helping us to learn and develop an understanding of how our bodies work and what is need to keep the body and mind healthy and supple.

Although hypnotherapy is very powerful and can appear like a magic wand of sorts, the client has to couple this with motivation and a desire to tackle whatever obstacle persists! Sometimes the first session doesn't always get to the root cause. It becomes like peeling the layers of an onion away, but when it does uncover the root cause and the therapy then works around removing those obstacles and barriers , those changes not only come fast, they also become permanent.

In the end, our minds govern our bodies and once we understand and work with this fact in needn't be a weighty matter.



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