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Tel: 01726 816947 Mob: 07740 190261 

  • Relaxing, Releasing, Online Therapy services, at a touch of a button wherever you are.

• Unique Personalised, Custom Tailored Therapy in the privacy, and comfort of your own space.

• Simple, easy and convenient.
• No driving stress. No parking hassles and worries of tickets running out. 

• Five Star Rated. Twenty Years Experience.  

Helping people to create the lives they want to live. Support for people with anxiety, anger, depression, fears, phobias, addictions, habits, long term complex conditions, trauma, realtionships, selfworth, grief  and more.
Twenty years experience in the field of talking Therapapies. Specialising in Hypnotherapy, BWRT, ®, Sanomentology, ™ EFT,   

Trevor Wales. On Line, Full Time, Fully Qualified, Fully Insured, Clinical Hypnotherapy Practitioner.
Registered Sanomentology Practioner & BWRT Level 1 & 2 Advanced Practitioner. 
SymbioDynamics & WSN Success Coach.Psychotherapeutic Counselling. 
CNHC Registered. APHP Registerd. 

Over 55 Five Star Reviews from satisfied clients, across Google,, Bark, Social Media and My Local Services Business Directory. 

Hello, and welcome to my therapy website. I am Trevor Wales, creator and owner of Trevor Wales Hypnotherapy Solutions.

I am very glad to be able to welcome you to my home page, because, it is just possible, that you might be here because you have a problem, a problem that you are looking for help with, a problem, that perhaps you have grappled with for a very long time, and that which seems to you to be unsolvable, a problem that you are wanting someone professional to talk with who will listen, and who can help you.

Although I started out in 2004 as a Hypnotherapist, today I work with other specific cutting edge therapy tools alongside Hypnotherapy. 
As well as Hypnotherapy, BWRT, EFT, NLP and Sanomentology are other proven therapies, with established track records for success, that I work with. These therapies have helped many people to achieve their goals. 
I would like to thank you for stopping by and considering the unique and powerful personally tailored, Life Coaching and Therapy Change Work that I work with, to enable people looking to create positive change in their daily lives
If you have been stuck with a personal problem, that seems terrible, whether for a little while or a long while, I know how it is and how it feels. I have been there too.
All of us, we all want a quick fix, but so often don't we find that so called quick fixes turn out to be short term solutions? The Therapies I work with are not like that, they time and commitment and it is a good idea for you to take some time to read about my services to understand how Therapy can help you get your life on track or back on track so that you can just get on with life and feeling better. Perhaps after reading about my services, you may consider that I could help you too?
It is very likely I can do that, whether your problem is big or small.
You see, I have been successfully helping clients with their personal problems for two decades.

If this is the first time you have considered engaging with therapies such as Hypnotherapy or Psychotherapy you might be wondering what people come to a professional clinical therapist for, and if what you are looking for help with, relates to the following areas that people engage my services for.

  • Fear and anxiety over something you don’t want to feel.

  • Emotional or Physical pain, including skin conditions.

  • Doing something you don’t want to do, either because you can’t stop yourself or because you are made to feel you have no choice.
    (Habits, addictions, coercion, and manipulation come under this category of therapy)
  • Not doing something that you know you out to do, but continually procrastinate or self-sabotage.

  • Personal Development. Improving what you already do or want to do.

  • Performance coaching both sports, arts, and business mentoring. Accountability and acceptance. Goal setting, improving focus, drive, motivation, determination, and personal confidence.

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
  • Past life exploration, regression Therapy.

  • Hypnoanalysis.

  • Regression to cause Therapy. 
  • Grief Counselling.

  • Relationship issues, both personal and professional.

  • Personal identity problems, such as Core identity, Self-Confidence, Self-Worth, Imposter Syndrome, Social phobias.

What do my clients think and say?
Very recently one of my existing clients who I am worked with, messaged me to say how they had struggled most of their lives, from the age of 17 years to their mid - 60s. They had tried many forms of therapy and therapists.
The message continued to say that until they came across me, they had almost given up that they were ever going to feel better and happier and that the unique Therapies that I work with, have made them feel so much better! 

Those Therapies in case you are wondering are BWRT®, Sanomentology™ Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapeutic Counselling. Why not find out more?

Your life could be about to change in so many beneficial ways for you. I invite you to reach out and have a no obligation chat to see how I might be able help you.

I am the quietly self - assured, firm and confident Therapist who not too many people know about.
Since opening my therapy practice in St Austell in 2011, I have run a full time therapy service, clocking up thousands of hours of therapy, helping people to make constructive changes to their lives, to create positive shifts and changes in how they feel and behave. 
It could be said that my Therapy services are one of the counties best kept niche secrets!

Without doubt, a good many of my clients who came to work with me over the last thirteen years at my practice in St Austell, were simply deeply stuck, as if their lives didn't come with the same instruction manuals that other happier successful people must have had!
I would like to share a secret with you. I too was that way for many years from childhood to adulthood, before I discovered the transformative power of Hypnotherapy in the early 2000's.

Hypnotherapy helped change my thinking, behaviour, and choices in a more positive way, and turned my life around. Other client's with less complex problems such as a fear, or a phobia or habit, simply needed that push in the right direction to give them the confidence and tools to create the change they wanted. In both circumstances, it was helping people to stop getting in their own way and helping them to change their thinking and their ways of doing things.
The significant number of five star ratings that I have received from my clients, may give you an indication that I have the capacity to help my clients create change and get the job done.

The only thing I ask of you when you are a client is that you have a willingness to really want to change and engage fully with your mission. After all that is in your best interests, isn't it?

When we start to work together, you will find there is a need to ask a lot of questions. Sometimes there may be things that are extremely hard to talk about, and things you just don't want to talk about at all. That is O.K. Working with me you will never be forced to say anything you find difficult to talk about.

It is important to know, however, that often what a client comes to ask for help with, once we start talking, quite frequently it has been my experience that there are other underlying causes that can be a part of the issue and seemingly unrelated. Working with what appears to be on the surface although may appear to be successful, if there is an important underlying cause that is not addressed, the success may seem short lived.
As therapists it is our duty to our clients to explore as thoroughly as possible the causality of why the client is in our therapy room in the first place, to get to the bottom of the problem. Our work is almost forensic in many cases.
Of course simple fears and phobias seldom require such exploration, but on occasion they do.

Talking is a highly important part of the Therapy journey and this is why I allow two hours in the first session at an  introductory discounted rate. You don't have to say much if you do not want to, but I hope from what I have explained here that you can see that to get the very best out of your therapy sessions, that talking is in my opinion, as a therapist of twenty year's experience, very important. As full a disclosure as possible of the relevant facts helps to set the stage for your relief and successful Therapy.      

Therapy can and does help many people from all walks of life and with many different issues, but as in all things in life, there is a caveat, and that is this, when Therapy seems to take longer than some clients expect, they may mistakenly conclude that it isn't for everyone and sometimes occasionally it might seem to them that it doesn't work at all, and so they quit.
A person who makes that conclusion might end up feeling stuck and broken with their problem, saddled with it forever, feeling that things are never going to change. And if that is the case, then that thinking really is defeatist thinking. But it really doesn't have to be like that. 

I take a different view, one of not just yet. To create lasting positive change, you just need to  keep on going ! Success is very often just around the corner and what if you missed it and never knew how different your life could be?

No one is ever broken or unfixable, and in my time I have certainly been able to help clients who held that belief, and helped them to change their unhelpful thinking that was keeping them stuck and very often unhappy. Time and patience are in all cases the key and some people's needs take longer than others, and it is especiially important to embrace that.
To those few who do throw in the towel, why stay stuck with your pain? Isn't your life better without it? 

The therapies I work with are the keys to unlocking those changes and doing things differently, so that you can live the life you want to live, uninhibited by doubt and fear and stuck in habits that just won't seem to break.
The really important thing to remember in all of this when you are trying to get from A- B is this. Therapy is not a magic wand, It is a very powerful transformative tool for personal change that has changed thousands and thousands of lives, and will need you to invest your time, patience and some financial commitment to acheive success. So why not you too?     

Feeling frustrated and stuck with a difficult hard to shift problem or habit?

Does your life feel a catastrophe or seem stuck no matter what you do?

Do you suffer with insomnia, fatigue and pain? 

Hypnotherapy, BWRT, Sanotherapy changes lives.

Can it change yours? 

Unless you take those first steps to change, you'll never know how you can be. 

Over 55 Five Star Reviews on Google, My Local Services, Yell & Bark for:

Positive Results, Quality of Service, Value for Money,

Likelihood to Recommend.

See my reviews and what my clients say on:

Google. & My Local Services Business Directory.

New for 2023. 

Past life Regressions and spiritual therapy.

An area that I have quietly worked in since opening my therapy practice but for professional reasons have not promoted on my website.
Coming into semi retirement where I feel that I can be more free with those subjects that interest me and where there is an enormous body of testimonial evidence that past life regressions have actually helped to free clients from major life limiting trauma, I feel the time is now right.
The work of Dr Brian Wiess has been a profound influence to me in my area of how I work with those clients in the spiritual side of Hynotherapy who ask for this modality of Therapy. 

For the client who has a leaning to the spiritual side of life this therapy could be a good match. I recognise that it is not for everyone and is not something that I would suggest as a course of therapy. However, the fact that I am letting those potential clients who might resonate with that approach know on this news update for 2023  bulletin, is, I feel, sufficient. 
Past lives regression work is and has been an area of particular interest to me since the age of around 20.

Ten years ago I discovered the work of Dr Brian Weiss, and in 2017, I also discovered Martin Rothery who works in a totally unique way and who trains in a very deep and  unique therapy called Sanotherapy that  more than touches on past lives.

There is a growing body of thought and anecdotal evidence that many of our issues many well be as a result of past life trauma, unresolved and following us into this lifetime. Sanotherapy goes well beyond past life work and takes the enquirer into the deeper spiritual meanings of life, in a practical way that has helped many people with all sorts of deep life issues.

These therapy paths  are a really good match for those who feel the connection to the universe and have the belief, that everything happens for a reason, and that lifes circumstances and twists and turns, whilst it may sometimes hurt us deeply and sometimes incapacitate us in some way, there is a lesson there to be learned and a healing to be found.

My experience with Past life therapy work and with Sanotherapy and my clients has shown me just how profoundly healing these therapy approaches can be.    

Also an exciting and effective BWRT programme. 
Neural Enhancement Therapy.

Getting the best out of our minds and bodies, in the now, and also as we age. 

Does getting a little older every day and finding that get up and go seem harder? Do you have less energy and enthusiasm for lifes opportunities and challenges that you used to have? NET therapy may be just the thing for you to get back that zing in your daily life.  

It is a fact that as we age we find ourselves dealing with many problems that give our everyday functionality real challenges. Challenges of memory, motivation, energy, self determination, self worth and more.

Terrence Watts, the creator of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy, created NET programming,( Neural Enhancement Therapy), and  the Ageing Unplugged programme, both developed with seniors in mind, but it can also work with any age group. Interested? Get in contact to find out more on 07740 190261 or 01726 816947


This is what one of my valued clients had to say about their personal experience with my Therapy services :-

" Trevor is absolutely lovely. I feel very safe while having my Therapy. He is very professional and knows his stuff.

Going there is a pleasure and we can talk for England! I am feeling so much better. " 

Mental & Physical Health & Wellness Services for a happier, fulfilling life.

Accessible, easy to engage with, proven Therapies for positive life change.

Helping you create the life you want to live.

Conveniently located at Par, St Austell, on  the St Austell Bay Business Park.

Just across the road from Par Market, in a quiet & comfortable environment where you can feel safe, supported & heard. 

Face to Face Hypnotherapy, BWRT® and Sanotherapy™.

Appointments throughout Cornwall & Devon. 

Online appointments also available, nationally & internationally, via Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp or Facebook.

With almost two decades experience in the field of Health & Wellness Therapy and over forty five star reviews, I know that Therapy can transform your life too.

Book your Consultation up to 30 minutes to discuss your needs, here, always available, Face to Face, Phone or Online.

Your Consultation gives you the opportunity to enquire about the therapies I work with and for me to get to know about what you want help with. 

My Therapy Practice supports, Equality, Diiversity, Inclusivity, & Accessibility.

All are welcome.

Hypnotherapy, BWRT®, and RPET® are powerful and precisely targeted therapies, custom-tailored, uniquely for you, for the highest success rates to get you feeling better and top of your game, living life on your terms. 

These are powerful tried and tested transformative Therapies that can help with many things that we contend with daily, from the minor irritations of life such as kicking those habits we always seem to struggle with or giving that wedding day or boardroom speech, driving test or exam nerves, through to living with daily anxiety, fears, and phobias, procrastination or motivation issues - right up to the very big, and sometimes complex life-altering, challenging situations on life's journey.

From the outset I recognise that each of my clients are unique individuals, and that your presenting issues are unique and yours and yours alone, and highly personal to you, and that you are looking for a high standard of skilled, safe, proven professional, empathic and caring Therapy where you can feel heard and listened to and properly supported with safe ethical treatment.

Each of my clients are treated with the utmost courtesy and respect and confidentially and discretion is assured. I am an ICO controller and therefore abide by the strict legislation in place in the GDPR act.
Your successful outcome is my sole aim delivered with care, sensitivity, and support both during and post Therapy.

Are you struggling with Mental Health worries? Are you worried and anxious about money, the energy crisis, family, and personal relationships?
Are you worried about work, college, or school? Do you contend with chronic physical pain such as Arthritis? 
Do you have trouble getting a good night's sleep?

If you answered yes to any of those questions and even other issues not mentioned, then lets talk. I could soon be helping you to change your life to live the that you want to live 
For almost twenty years I have been helping people of all ages and all walks of life to solve personal problems like these.
The therapies that I work with can help you with all of those and more. 

Quotes from two of my clients.
"That great feeling when you know how much better you feel in yourself and you know for absolutely certain that you have made those changes in your thinking and the way you do things... and those awful feelings that you struggled with, for what seemed a very long time have just gone away completely. It's simply priceless."

"Trevor has been a very caring, supportive, and professional practitioner and I would recommend him if you are struggling with anxieties.” Kerry

Hello and welcome to my website. With almost two decades of experience behind me building a very successful, and busy therapy practice with a growing reputation for helping people, and also from 2011, since opening my therapy practice in St Austell Cornwall, I have been delivering excellent results, face to face, and online,  both nationally and internationally, to my many clients who have used my health and wellness services to help them feel much better about themselves and life. Through the delivery of life changing therapy my clients have been empowered to lead the more fulfilling lives they were seeking.

The levels of client satisfaction are reflected in the positve reviews that have been left by satisfied, happy clients on my business directory listing for 'My Local Services' and on my testimonial pages. 

Its highly likely I can also help you too should you chose to use my services. 

Immediately below is a screen shot of one of just one of my 15 five star reviews from the listing on business directory 'My Local Services ' left by a client who I worked with in 2019 for dealing with addiction.  


  • Can I help you to overcome Anxiety, Depression, Fears, and Phobias?  Yes, I can as I have helped many of my clients who have presented with issues as diverse as, fear of flying, fear of driving, fears of open and confined spaces, dental phobia, misophonia.

  • Can I help you to sleep better and overcome insomnia? Yes, absolutely, I have been doing that for almost 20 years.

  • Can I help with the issues of everyday life and dealing with the issues that sometimes beset us all and which can become unwanted cycles of feelings and emotional conflict? Yes, I do, on a fairly regular basis. I am an accredited Anger management practitioner as well as an accredited Relationship counsellor. I also regularly help clients who are contending with Stress and Depression. I am also an accredited Grief Counselling Therapist helping people through the grieving process.  

  •  Can I help people struggling with gender identity, helping them to accept themselves as the unique human being who they are, helping them to break free of judgmental bias and negative behaviours towards them that they may have experienced or may be experiencing? 
    Yes, I can. I believe in inclusivity and diversity and hold the view that all human beings should have the right to live life on their own terms embracing who they are without fear of persecution.   

  • Can I help you to become more confident and motivated with better self-esteem? Yes, I can. Again I have been doing that for almost 20 years.

  • Can I help you to change the habits of a lifetime that are getting in the way of how you want to be? Yes, I can. I have helped many people with goals and wishes to lose weight, quit smoking, and also to become free of addictions of all sorts including addictions of a highly personal nature.

  • Can I help you to improve personal performance ? Yes I can. I have helped clients to improve their levels of motivation and confidence and focus to improve sports performance, and learning acquisition in the arena of music, art.

  • Can I help people in business improve the way they do things or help business owners with issues such as confidence, motivation  and confrontation?
    Yes I can. My Coaching services have helped business clients in Cornwall and London to improve levels of business performance and helped them to improve profit and turnover through helping them find new ways of thing and seeing using Symbio Dynamics ® and WSN® Coaching. Two totally unique coaching methods which deliver consistently positive results.
  • Can I help you to manage pain and chronic pain? Yes, I can because it is something I too contend with and how I first came to be involved. with the field of hypnotherapy.

  • On my pages you can read the excellent reviews I have had over the years and see why clients seek me out to help them. I offer a high-quality custom-tailored therapy service.

  • My fees are not the cheapest neither, the most expensive but pitched for the standard of quality, service, and results I get for my clients.
    My clients are very happy to pay for the results that have helped them to improve their lives.

  • I have run my practice in St Austell on a full time basis since 2011.

  • My service is thorough, friendly, caring, non-judgmental, and totally professional treating my clients with discretion and confidentiality.

  • I am fully qualified since 2006 for Hypnotherapy and since 2014 for BWRT.

  • CNHC registered. I have been a registrant of the CNHC since 2011. CNHC's register is approved as an Accredited Register by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care, a body accountable to Parliament. This provides additional assurance that CNHC registrants meet UK-wide standards of patient safety and service quality.

  • DBS checked to work with minors and vulnerable people.

  • Fully insured. 

I am a member of the APHP. Click on the image above to find out more including code of Ethical Standards.


A brief introduction about my Therapy services.  

Face To Face And Online Professional Therapy.
Sanotherapy™ - SymbioDynamics Success Coaching ®
 WSN Counselling ®

GHR Supervisor for Therapists, On line.
Fully Qualified. Nineteen years experience. Fully Insured.

DBS checked to work with minors.
 Well reviewed and trusted Therapist in Cornwall, nationally and internationally.

Office: 01726 816947 Mobile : 07740 190261.

Enquiries always welcome. Consultations of up to 30 minutes available.

  • Sometimes life gets in our way, and we just seem to get stuck putting up with something we just don’t want, going through a roller coaster of emotions of frustration and disappointments sometimes for years. Does that sound like you, and would you like to change that? What it would it mean for you if you could? How would you feel? How would your life feel different? You don’t have to stay stuck. With my help you can change.

  • Do you want to break free from habits, invisible barriers, frustration, and limitations that seem to hold you back in areas of your life and be the best that you can be, living the life you want to live on your terms? Do you wish you could be free of that fear or phobia? or do you wish you could sleep better, or cope with that backache or pain better or perhaps get anxiety and worry under control. Do you suffer with an overactive mind and intrusive thoughts? Persons with high stress and anxiety levels can experience skin conditions such as Psoriasis and Eczema.
  • Do you believe you are addicted to your phone or some other addiction? Perhaps your confidence isn’t what you would life it to be? Does your memory let you down or do you feel that your attention span is short? Maybe your sense of self-worth or self-esteem is unhealthy or poor. Some people think self-esteem and self-worth are both the same, but they are quite different and very important to our sense of wellbeing. 
  • Maybe you’re looking to take you career or sport to the next level or improve your memory or creativity and imagination? Perhaps you are struggling with writers or artistic block? Perhaps the natural ageing process has left you feeling flat and feeling that your natural zest for life isn’t what you used to experience. 

  • Maybe you have lost a relationship or a loved one and finding it difficult to move on. The natural grieving process is something that can be helped by therapy in helping people find acceptance, letting go of emotions and moving on in their own way in thier own time in a gentle supportive way. 
  • The Therapies I work with, have been helping people create positive change in their lives since 2004 with all of the above and much more. Perhaps I could help you by starting with a free no obligation consultation?  

What is Hypnotherapy and can it really help you?

Hypnotherapy and BWRT are trance states where great changes can take place and is all about you, and empowering you, to break free from limiting emotional experiences and reactions that you just don’t want to be feeling, leaving you feeling exactly how you want to be, free of those things that have got in your way and held you back from enjoying your life to the full!

Some of the things people come and see me for help with might be everyday minor things that become persistent problems, and other things people look for help with can be fairly big things which really affect the quality of life.

Some of those bigger issues in the last two years are anxiety and panic attacks and directly related to the Covid Pandemic where some people are now fearful to go out and may suffer anxiety and panic attacks at the mere thought of having to go outdoors.
Then there are certain other situations where going to a confined environment, such as, being in a car, train, flying, going to a place of worhip, or a visit to a shop or supermarket, anywhere where there are people or crowds of people in confined spaces, these can cause severe anxiety or panic attacks. Those are just a few examples I help people to break free of.

If you have ever been stuck in a situation that leaves you in an emotionally difficult or frustrating situation, feeling as if you are faced with an invisible glass wall or ceiling stopping you from being the person you want to be, then the therapies I work with could help you, just as they have been helping many of my clients, for almost two decades.

The therapies I work with, Hypnotherapy, BWRT®, and RPET® are keys to unlocking your future. They are all tried and tested talking therapies that can help create powerful, positive change, and they have an excellent record of accomplishments that are easy to verify.  

Let me say that the role of a great therapist is to act as a facilitator of change for their client's needs and wishes in a supportive non-judgemental way, creating confidence and empowerment.

You are a unique human being as we all are, however, sometimes we can lose sight of that powerful truth when life’s journey places experiences in our way that can lead to creating self-doubt, fear, grief, loss of confidence, depression, anxiety, stress, and more difficult emotional issues that can impact how we feel about life and how we interact with life.

We all react differently, some freeze and go inward and life seems to stop, and we might lose purpose. Some become angry, violent, incommunicado, sad, and depressed.
Some turn to drink, gambling, and other addictions to try and create a diversion from that which ails them.

There is a way out of this web of confusion and sometimes dark stuckness as I call it. Therapy is a way to turn our thinking and feelings around and Hypnotherapy, BWRT ®  and RPET®  are safe effective natural ways of creating positive change to restore our sense of well-being and which can help us create new ways of seeing and feeling and create new positive ways to happiness and success in our lives.

As a Therapist working in the field of natural health and wellness therapies for almost two decades, everything I do is driven by a personal passion and a desire to help people who choose to work with me as their therapist of choice, create positive lasting change in their lives, to feel good about themselves and to help them overcome life's obstacles and challenges that have held them back, sometimes for years; freeing them to create the life they want to live!
If that sounds like you and you are looking to make some changes too then why not give me a call and let me help you. It all starts with reaching out. Call me on 07740 190261 or 01726 816947, 

Online Therapy and Face to Face Appointments both available.  
Face to Face appointments are now available again, but the good news is that Online Therapy works just as effectively as Face to Face appointments. I frequently work with clients outside of Cornwall and overseas with great results for my clientele, so if you are a bit nervous about a Face to Face appointment just now you might like to choose an Online appointment
However,now that we can get back to working Face to Face again for the time being at least, if you do feel confident to come and see me, my Clinical Therapy Practice in Par is very easy to find.

Full PPE Compliance. 
My therapy space is fully PPE compliant. The room is fully sanitised for each visiting client and there is a space of 30 minutes between appointments for your peace of mind and safety. 
There is a 7 foot high clear plastic barrier between us and hand sanitiser is provided. Also where necessary for clients who forget their face mask I can provide a clinically approved mask, if you wish to wear one. 
Clients who are medically exempt from wearing face masks are welcome to attend face to face appointments.

Opening Times for 2023.
Sundays and Mondays, we are closed.

Therapy appointments for all new clients will be held only of Fridays and Saturdays. Please see below for details. 

Tuesdays- Thursdays:  
Open for initial phone or email enquiries only, to adavance book consultations, and also open for pre booked 30 minute consultations.
Pre booked consultations can be face to face at my office in Par, or via Video llink or phone.

Tuesday to Thursdays We are also open for Administration,Training and Supervision Sessions. 

Friday appointments: 1st appointment 10:00 a.m. last appointment 60 mins only at 5:00 p.m. I close at 6:00 p.m. Appointments prior prior to 4:00 pm may be for a maxium time slot of two hours for both Fridays & Saturdays  

Saturday appointments: 1st appointment 10:00 a.m. last appointment 60 mins only at 5:00 p.m. I close at 6:00 p.m. Appointments prior prior to 4:00 pm may be for a maxium time slot of two hours for both Fridays & Saturdays  

How to find me at St Austell Bay Business Park.
I am located just off the A3082 in the St Austell Bay Business Park, situated just across the road from the well known Par Market.

My Office is on the ground floor level.
 As you drive through the Entrance to the St Austell Bay Business park you will see a sign that says Dainton Storage, on your left will be a white painted two story building with a sign 'Dainton' 'Enterprise House' which is the rear of  Enterprise house.
Drive past the building and at the point just ahead where the access road bends round to the left, there is another immediate left turn which is a sharp 180 degree turn, as if you are making a horse shoe turn.
Take that turn immediately left again which is before the steel fence that is the parking spaces boundary for Tool Station, The Pasty place and Brewers. My office is just directly opposite the rear of Tool station and there is ample free parking outside.        

My address is:-
BWRT & Hypnotherapy.
Trevor Wales Hypnotherapy Solutions
Ground Floor. Office Suite, 2
Enterprise House
St Austell Bay Business Park
Par Moor Road
PL25 3RF

Telephone Number: 01726 816947

Mobile Number: 077401 190261 

My office is the last office in the block and is quite, discreetly located and comfortable. Free car parking is available right outside my office. My office has D
isabled Peoples access. There are also Toilets if needed. 

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110280513 3117102085045627 1274773355161352296 o

 My google maps location

Face to Face and Online Hypnotherapy and BWRT appointments in Cornwall, Devon, nationally and Internationally Via Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp and Facebook Video link.

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Does hypnotherapy really work for weight loss?

Photo posted with kind permission from my client.
Way back when I first started my Hypnotherapy practice in St Austell one of my first clients was a local lady enquiring about virtual Gastric Band Hypnotherapy.

My client had a specific goal in mind to lose about 6 to 7 stone. My client was really engaged with her goal and the Therapy was an astounding success. That was in 2012 and today eight years later as my client said in a personal message to me this morning "The Hypnosis is still with me"
You can read all about my clients journey to success on my Gastric Band weight loss page.People often wonder if hypnosis really can help create long term mindset and lifestyle changes with all that life throws at us and my clients photograph is the evidence that, yes it can.

Anxiety specialist. Quit Smoking specialist.Slim via Hypnosis and Virtual Gastric Band specialist. Fears and Phobias specialist. Relationship specialist. Personal and Business Success Coaching.

Founder member of the British Brainworking Research Society.

The way you do anything is the way you do everything and if you keep doing the same old thing you will get the same results.

Stuck? Time for a change in thinking and doing?

The Therapies I work with have helped many people. How about you?






A recent review from my  Facebook business pages.
"I cannot recommend Trevor highly enough. I have a son with food phobia brought on by issues with his tonsils at a very young age. We decided to give hypnotherapy a try and I am please to say that the results after a few sessions are quite astounding. I would highly recommend this to anyone with a fear or phobia or just about any hurdle you would like to get over in life. I was initially slightly sceptical but I am very pleased that I have been proved wrong."   
S. E. Cornwall. January 2018.

For the full update on this story please go to my testimonial page. 




Want to find out more about Hypnois & Hypnotherapy? Click on the image above to visit the GHR website where you can research hypnosis and Hypnotherapy and find out about the GHR Code of Ethics


Need Supervision? I can help. With almost two decades of experience I have a wealth of knowledge & guidance advice to help you keep your therapy practice on top and up to date. Intererested?  First session, 30 minutes free as an introduction.  Why not get in contact?

Can I really lose weight with Hypnosis?

The short answer is YES, you really can. Click in the picture below for more information to go to my Weight loss page 



I was one of the very first practitioners in the U.K in 2019. and the very first Practitioner in Cornwall of this exciting new dynamic  proven Hypnotherapy Weight Management System ‘Slim Via Hypnosis’, delivered by Tranceformers Training UK. 

 ‘Slim Via Hypnosis’ is borne out of eighteen years of cumulative expertise and experience of two of the U.K.’s most respected Trainers and Therapists who have worked both successfully and extensively in the field of Weight loss. We are certain that not only is this weight management system a highly effective way of losing and managing weight , it is unlike any other Hypnotherapy Programme out there and is very thorough involving you the client in a highly personal way at every stage. ‘Slim Via Hypnosis’ is suitable for many people who want to lose and manage their weight both young and old. The programme takes into account your habits and triggers for eating the wrong types of food or overeating as well as life style issues.Click here to read more 


Are you suffering with pain, short term or long term, I can help.  Hypnotherapy can provide a solution to the reduction and management of pain both short term and long term.
I am a fully qualified Rapid Pain Elimination Therapist.
RPET as it has come to be known is a totaly unique way to control and manage pain in the majority of circumstances and is a system which from Trevor's own personal experince as a person dealing with pain himself, to be fast acting. 

 Have some questions you need help with? click contact Trevor  to send  an email


Hypnosis is a very versatile therapy tool that can help you to create great change in your personal outlook on life in your thoughts, behaviours and actions and how you feel, helping you to achieve the success you want to achive. 

You may have heard that hypnotherapy can be a very big positive help in helping to make those necessary changes in thinking that affects beliefs and behaviours very often leading to lifelong positive changes in a person's life and you may be wondering if hypnotherapy can help you too, so you may be looking to find out more about hypnotherapy and cognitive mind based therapies and how they can help you to get the changes you want in your life. Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy can be helpful in the following key areas of people's lives.

  • Behaviours and habits, such as, Addictions, Anxiety, Fears and Phobias, Emotional Eating, Nervous habits, Quitting smoking. Problems of a sexual nature. 
  • Emotional difficulties and problems, such as Depression, Anger management, bereavement and grief, Self confidence, Self esteem, Relationship problems. PTSD.
  • Psychosomatic stress related disorders, such as Skin disorders, Eczema, psoriasis  and respiratory problems such a Asthma. Migraine and IBS. (Irritable bowel Syndrome)
  • There are also areas of special interest in hypnosis such as 'Past Life Regression Hypnosis,' which for people with an open minded interest and disposition can give them a deeper insight into who they are and can possibly provide answers and solutions to some of the issues in their lives. This is an area that is of Special interest to Trevor having extensively researched the subject over many years. Please feel free to enquire.   

Alternatively you may simply be curious and wondering how cognitive mind based therapies and hypnotherapy may be able to help you to develop your potential such as improving an area of personal performance be it academic,the arts, business or sport.


Hypnotherapy is a safe effective process:- click here if you want  to read more

Success coaching therapy can help you navigate the stepping stones to success 


Click on the images below to discover how hypnosis can be used  for specific issues such as weight management, stop smoking, seasonal affective disorder and depression.  


BrainWorking Recursice Therapy.The Fast Efficient  alternative to Hypnotherapy that often makes it seem as if  problems just melt away  

BWRT® Its fast, dynamic and effective. I have had great success working with this therapy because clients are often so amazed with the results. Click on the image to read more about why BWRT ® is a very good compliment and alternative to hypnotherapy where appropriate. 

 Since 2014 BWRT has been a highly effective and efficient alternative therapy to hypnotherapy and where appropriate I  use both therapies in separate sessions with clients. 
Many of my clients love BWRT for the fast and efficient way in which it works and the results it delivers.

I have been a fully qualified BWRT  level 1 practitioner since its inception in 2014 and in March of 2017 I attended and successfully completed my  level  2 Advanced Practitioner training training and I also  continue ongoing research and CPD.

Click on the image above to visit the main BWRT website



 'Get a different view on life. BWRT ®, the faster natural way to lasting positive inner change.
Change your mind, take control improve your life, be the best that you can be with BWRT® 
On my Testimonials page there are a number of testimonials for Brain Working Recursive Therapy (BWRT) 
The fast efficient therapy for anxiety, fears and phobias  and much more.

Privacy and Disclaimer notices
Your privacy and how I store and handle your data is very important at Trevor Wales Hypnotherapy Solutions. Confidential and discrete mean confidential and discrete.
I am fully compliant with the current GDPR legislation and a registered data controller. 

Also of greater importance is that my clients have a very clear understanding at the outset of the Therapies being offered and there intent in respect of  any medical and health conditions. Click here to be directed to site terms where you will be able to read a full disclaimer statement along with a GDPR notice in respect of your privacy.  

If you think I can help you, why not call me  on 01726 816947 or 07740 190261 for an informal no obligation enquiry.  
I look forward to your call.