Covid policy in respect to face to face appointments and updates.
March 2021 lockdown update. Trevor Wales Hypnotherapy solutions continues to remain open.
Due to the success of the current vaccination programme and with recent Government public information regarding dates for the easing of Lockdown I have made enquiries about resuming face to face appointments under certain circumstances within the current stricter levels of lockdown introduced in January this year. I have now received clarification from the CNHC who I am a registrant of that under “certain circumstances” face to face appointments may be held as long as there is a tangible benefit as to why a face to face appointment.
Examples of a tangible benefit are:-
Where the persons wellbeing depends upon face to face appointments and a person can demonstrate that they have a definite and positive need for face to face therapy because of domestic difficulties or limitations under certain situations which could be putting them at risk somehow or simply impractical for their being able to maintain personal confidentiality.
Where the above is the case a written risk assessment will need to be completed by myself and the client to sign a declaration affirming the circumstances.
As in the previous update below regarding how my therapy practice may continue providing a service to clients in the first instance ONLINE appointments only will be offered for the foreseeable future.
The only circumstances until Government legislative guidelines say that it is safe to operate normal face to face appointments will be as above and that I as an ethical practitioner can be satisfied that the strict criteria for a face to face appointment has met the standards in a written risk assessment.
Please do read the previous update below as this still stands and explains the PPE measures I have in place and what my Covid policy for face to face clients is. The above announcement incorporates new guidance into the update posted last November.
In November 2020 a debate was held in Parliament which gave greater clarity from Government regarding the question of whether Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy services do in fact constitute essential mental health services and if they may be allowed under the new lockdown rules to remain open for face to face appointments with clients. The end result of that debate was in the affirmative.
As a result of that ruling the CNHC (The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council ) who I am a registrant of wrote to all of its registrants advising that face to face as well as online appointments are in fact allowed under the Government regulations.
In the first instance all clients will be offered Online as a first preference. However, should there be a preference for a face to face appointment then provided the Corana Virus Screening measures are met a face to face appointment may go ahead.
Below is a transcript of the communication all CNHC Registrants have received.
Dear Registrant
We wrote to you yesterday to let you know we had sought legal advice on whether the complementary healthcare practitioners we register are included in the businesses permitted to remain open during the national restrictions in England introduced by the Government today.
Based on the advice we have received, we are writing to let you know that CNHC Registrants in England meet the definition of “other…health services, including services relating to mental health” contained in Section 47, Part 3 of the Schedule to The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (No. 4) Regulations 2020 and can therefore continue to practise.
This legal advice has taken into account that in Section 25E of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 practitioners on Accredited Registers are defined as engaged in work that includes the provision of healthcare.
In order to create an environment that is both as safe and welcoming as possible and protect my clients I have introduced safeguarding changes and measures to reduce client contact and maintain the highest levels of cleanliness and hygiene and to lower any measure of risk to both my clients and Therapist
My Therapy Practice Hygiene, PPE standards and client screening are all in compliance with up to date Government and Public Health Guidelines and also my Professional Bodies and Insurance company's requirements to keep you safe in your appointments.
When booking your appointment, as a default all clients will be offered Online appointments as a first preference. However, should you wish for your appointment to be Face to Face I will require a signature of acknowledgement that you have been offered online appointments as a first preference but have decided to attend in person. This is to be fully compliant with my insurers and professional body's requirements.
Appointments for Minors
For parents considering Therapy for Minors where the normal policy is for a parent to be in attendance at all times, due to Social Distancing Directives, all appointments for Minors are Online only at this time. A parent or Legal Guardian must be in situe at all times.
Covid 19 Symptoms
Prior to your appointment, if you or any member of your household, or anyone that you have been in contact with develops symptoms of Covid-19 you must notify me immediately. Your appointment will be cancelled and a rescheduled appointment offered for when you are recovered. You should call 111 and self-isolate for 14 days.
You must not attend your appointment if :-
- You have had any symptoms of COVID-19:- a high temperature, a persistent cough, or loss of sense of smell or taste in the last 7 days.
- You must self isolate in line with current Government regulations.
- A Face to Face appointment is not suitable If any of the following apply.
- You have someone in your household who has, or has had symptoms of COVID-19 and are not in the clear.
- If you, or anyone in your household is considered extremely vulnerable to certain clinical conditions.
- You are over 70 and have a pre-existing condition and are considered vulnerable.
- If you have an autoimmune deficiency.
- If you have a pre-existing respiratory condition such as severe asthma or COPD.
- If you have any illness or condition that may make you more likely to be susceptible to contracting COVID-19.
- The alternative of Online Therapy will offer you an excellent platform for you without putting yourself or others at risk of COVID-19
Pre appointment client screening
Upon arrival, for client safety before entering the building, all Face to Face clients will be asked for a temperature reading with a hand held non contact infrared digital thermometer. As a matter of routine I will be checking my own temperature each day.
Also every client will be screened and required to fill out a short risk assessment form just prior to entering the practice for the appointment. I will bring a form and clipboard to your vehicle for completion. The form should take around five minutes to complete.
If a client is driven to the practice by a carer or chaperone it will also be a requirement for a risk assessment form to be completed and signed by the driver.
Please note that the Therapy room only has space for the Client and Therapist and any carer or chaperone will be asked to either remain in the car or come back in good time just five minutes before the close of the appointment
Post Appointment Covid 19 Symptoms.Whilst I take every care possible to minimise risk of infection to my clients and myself, should you find that you develop any symptoms of Covid-19 after attending your appointment, please contact the me immediately by phone on 07740 190261 so that any other clients who attended that day can be contacted.
Paying for your appointments. All appointments are strictly payment in advance either by card via card reader on the day of the appointment before commencement of your session or by bankers transfer 48 hours in advance. Cash will be taken in certain circumstances as an alternative to the above. If because of Covid 19 your appointment is cancelled an alternative appointment will be offered in the first instance. Refunds will be offered in certain circumstances at my discretion.
Social Distancing
Current Social Distancing measures will be strictly observed at all times and I will be working within the framework of government guidelines of public health and safety measures. The virus hasn't gone away and so we must as ever remain careful and vigilant for everyone's personal safety. For the time being my usual complementary Tea and Coffee service is temporarily suspended to minimise contact, however, I will be offering clients chilled bottled water for your refreshment.
For your personal protection
From the 8th August as of the Government announcement of the 31/07/2020, it will be mandatory to wear a face mask in all Public places. I will be providing my clients with a reusable medical grade clear plastic face visor to wear during sessions. If clients wish to wear their own face mask too as an additional layer of protection that is optional.
No face visor will be re used within 72 hours. If clients wish to bring their own clear plastic visor and hand sanitiser that is encouraged to ensure minimal contact. Both therapist and client will be wearing a face shield at all times.
There will also be a hand sanitising station service. Clients will be required to hand sanitise and to wear the face visor during sessions at all times. I have sufficient face visors to sanitise and rotate between sessions. Please note, there is no additional charge for the provision of PPE. I have absorbed the costs to offer my client's the best level of comfort and service. These are indeed challenging times and whilst some health services such as some dentist practices are reported to have been charging extra for PPE I see no reason to do likewise. This is my way of helping where needed
In addition to a clear face shield I will be wearing PPE gloves throughout the session even though the Therapy is contact free. Additionlly there is also an 80cm wide transparent plastic Social Distancing Screen between Client and Therapist adding a further safety layer of protection.
Clients are also encouraged to bring their own pen with them to sign forms were necessary as your signature will be required on some documents and forms.
Between appointments there will be a break of 20 - 30 mins to facilitate sanitising of the office. As per my usual standard of office cleanliness in the interest of good hygiene standards to protect my clients personal safety, chairs, desks, doors, door handles and pens will all be sanitised before each session. The room will also be thoroughly aired between appointments.
Despite my best endeavours to thoroughly clean the Therapy room between sessions and keep patients as safe as is practically possible, there is always, whilst the virus is a clear and present danger, a small risk of contracting COVID-19 if you attend my Therapy Practice. If you are a client in the vulnerable category, or are in anyway concerned to avoid all risk, the Online Therapy Service I have provided as standard practice since 2011 provides my clients with an effective means of successful Therapy over distance to avoid all physical contact.